Elementary Classroom Tank


New member
I am an elementary school teacher of gifted at a low income school in central Florida. I am desperately trying to find monies or supplies to help setup a saltwater tank in my classroom. I don't feel that I need to explain to you the numerous educational benefits this tank could provide, or the enormous cost it can entail. I have been on reef central trying to find equipment, livestock, etc - however it is still quite expensive. I was wondering with all your knowledge, love of SW tanks and contacts if you knew of a grant or anything that could help me with setting up, stocking or upkeep needed for the class tank in order to enlighten and teach my students.
My position is different than most, as I teach all grade levels (k-5) of high ability/advanced and have the same students year after year (therefore ongoing learning as the tank and students grow). I'm trying to keep this short, as I don't want to bother you or take up too much of your time, that being said I can provide you with any additional information you'd like.
If you do not know of any; any knowledge or suggestions you could pass along would be great. I was hoping to attend MACNA this year with my husband to try to see what is out there and gain more knowledge, but travel expenses and ticket costs were going to be too much. (Things have turned out to be much more expensive than originally budgeted, therefore MACNA will have to wait. :( Still think all the expenses will be worth to enrich my students lives and education.) In any case, I really do appreciate your time. Thanks!!
Welcome ....I work for the School Board also and I also like the idea of the tanks in classrooms but are you aware that we shut off the power at schools over the weekends in most zones except for the offices....have you checked with ets to see if your room is zoned for the power grid shut downs for weekends and also over breaks........that being said its not impossible to make this happen if you have the go ahead from the uppers that power will not be shut off.......what equipment do you have? anything? what school are you at?
Hey, I'm in Polk county actually. Ours is on a 4 hr "egg" timer 0:) So I bought a chiller off Craigslist. I've got a 20 gallon tank with a sump/refrug and a custom built "teaching" stand (thanks to my hubby). ReefersDirect out of St Cloud is building me led lights for the tank (so chiller is tied for most $ - those alone were my entire budget! Ha!)
I started a thread for the tank, if you wanna see the pics of where I am now with the tank. :)
Hi, I'm the person that responded to your email earlier today. I have forwarded your information to a couple of people so hopefully they will chime in. FMAS a lot of very experienced and generous members so I'm sure there will be quite a few willing to help.
Thank you

Thank you

Hi, I'm the person that responded to your email earlier today. I have forwarded your information to a couple of people so hopefully they will chime in. FMAS a lot of very experienced and generous members so I'm sure there will be quite a few willing to help.

Thanks again! I really appreciate it. I hate asking for help, but I need it in order to make this work for the students. I'm just so thankful that I have a principal that is so great to allow me to do this in the first place (as long as I put a starfish in the tank - his fav)...and an AP who said "Well I guess you're set for science for the year!" Ha! (I explained to her that I'm set on everything - literature, writing, math, economics, world history/geography, engineering, etc etc - oh and like all aspects of science!) I plan to teach them from the ground up! And since I have them year after year, it should be quite fun too! I'm so excited to see them grow in knowledge and expand their horizons! I just need help to get it started and keep it going! :( Even just passing along knowledge/experiences of your own is helpful! (That's why we were gonna try to go to MACNA this year. But I'm already over double on my budget for the tank - I'm sure no one on here understands that - so I had to pass on it!)

Anyway - sorry I got lengthy there - I'm just so excited at this opportunity! :)

Thanks again!
We are more than happy to offer help here. Have you reached out to ORCA or the Tampa Bay Club? They may have local members that may be able to give you a hand.
We are more than happy to offer help here. Have you reached out to ORCA or the Tampa Bay Club? They may have local members that may be able to give you a hand.

Thanks. I reached out to Tampa (we're between the two) and I had an offer for a larger tank (but lights not strong enough for bigger), and will be getting a pistol Shrimp and pair of clownfish :)