Emerald Crab ate my new Zooanthid

If your zoas are being eaten, it is probably something else causing it. The emerald is probably eating other stuff from around or stuck to the zoas. Did you do a freshwater dip before placing the zoas in your tank? I just went through an ordeal with my zoas and had to do a bunch of research. They are making a comeback. I do not have an emerald crab though but I have read on other forums that many many people keep emeralds and zoas together with no problems.
Emeralds are opportunistic animals just like shrimp if something is edible and there they would consume.
I've got three emeralds with lots of zoas. None have been bothered by the crabs. I think zoas are pretty hardy. If yours are disappearing, it's something else...water parameters good ?
Well I had an emerald crab in the past that used to eat my zoas, he liked specially the chunky palys I even had a video of him eating them as prove.
Is not likely to happen but it does even with fish...
fish / inverts etc. it all happens, if a animal feels something else new is there to be eaten they will... it happens just cause you haven't heard of it nor seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
the emeralds also likes to redecorate the reef. Probably they was just doing that. I have 2 on my reef and I can't blame them to lose any zoas because them
Is it common for a emerald crab to eat a zooanthid ? I am a nood in the reef world.

Yes, they can, will and do eat polyps. The larger the emerald the more likely they are to eat your polyps. Stop here, do a search in this forum or Google it, there are dozens of stories. The one I remember the most was a few years ago, a reefer stated that this was a lie and that he had kept them for years without any issues. We told him that he was simply lucky thus far and it will happen sooner or later. Months went by and yes, they mowed down his polyps. Good luck.

Mucho Reef
I just removed what was a black crab identified as an emerald here on the forum that I watched tear into some mushrooms and zoa's. He also was terrorizing the two other emeralds that I put in there to combat a bubble algae problem I had 6 months ago. He had them pinned in the rocks going at it.
I had 3 Emeralds for a bit..The biggest one killed anything that came near him!! No more Emeralds for me!
looks like a mithrax crab to me... but I don't trust them so they don't make it to my tank. Even if I wanted inverts in my tank they wouldn't last one minute with my puffer.