Emperator angel


New member
Hello i have had a juv Emperator angel for about 1 year now and hid face is turning yellow i am assuming tht he is changing. can i get some opinions on this and i would like to know if anyone knows about how long it takes for it to fully transform into its new look. i dont have a dig camera so i cant take any pics sorry.
Here's my Emperator. I've had it for almost a year and it is still changing. They get big fast!

Here's a pic of it in February 2005:

And here is a pic of it in January 2006:

I figure it still has 6 months or so before it completely changes. Mine hasn't started turning yellow in the face yet.

FWIW, Nathan

I see that you have an Emperator, how does he do with soft coarals? does he bother the clam at the bottom of your tank?

JIm :rolleyes:


thank you for the pics mine is like your first pic still but his face is turning yellow i want to know if that is the start of the change or is he getting a disease ?
Mine doesn't bother my clam yet and I think it pretty much eats any soft corals it can find. (In my tank there aren't any but an odd zoathid here and there).

Ericn, If the skin looks fine and is just turning yellow I don't think it should be an issue. They do eventually turn yellow, I'm sure they change differently for each individual fish.

Here is a fully adult angel with yellow on it's head - does yours look like that in the face?
