Enter Sandman

Capt. Nemo

Active member
Hi Jeremy,

If you can believe I'm still debating which sand to use for my setup. I would have thought that picking a sand would be the least complicated and time cosuming of all my equipment and dry goods. There seems to be quite a diversity of views of which sand to use as far as size and as far as depth, either a DSB or a shallow bed. I'm definitely going with something very thin, just enough to cover the bare bottom and to give a more natural look. I'm leaning towards going with one of the CaribSea pink aragonites. What is the difference between your CaribSea Fiji Pink Reef Sand and the Ultra Pink aragonite? Grain size? Is your Fiji Pink Reef Sand the same as Marine Depot's CaribSea Seaflor Fiji Pink Reef Sand: 0.5-1.5 mm? Is your Fiji Pink Reef Sand a "Seaflor" as is the Marine Depot sand? Thanks bud!

The Fiji Pink Reef Sand is a little larger in grain size vs the Ultra Pink Aragonite. Honestly, I think you would be fine either way. If you are going with something really shallow then I would go with the Fiji Pink. Something more deep then the smaller grain aragonite would be of preference IMO.
Jeremy B. said:
The Fiji Pink Reef Sand is a little larger in grain size vs the Ultra Pink Aragonite. Honestly, I think you would be fine either way. If you are going with something really shallow then I would go with the Fiji Pink. Something more deep then the smaller grain aragonite would be of preference IMO.

I agree. The grain size is important and if you want it pretty shallow then the slightly larger (it will still be small grains) would be better. :)
Thanks JustOneMoreTank! I appreciate your wise advice. How's your tank doing and can you give me a progress report on your Marshall Islands LR? I'm going to order 50 pds. of MI for my 55 gal. next week. Thanks again and have a great day!

The tank is doing very well. I had gone through a pretty good algae bloom because I was waiting for my clean up crew to arrive. I ordered one from the FL Keys but the hurricanes messed up the shipment. I added a Lawnmower Blenny and a Foxface Rabbitfish to combat the algae while I waited on the snails and bluelegs.
The coralline is already spreading to the tanks overflows some. The LR still has great color and I am finding pods and little critters when the lights go out.
Good luck with your order ... you will love it. :D