So I'm ordering a tank from MiraclesAquarium. It will measure 72"x30"x24" and be Eurobraced. My only problem right now is finalizing the equipment list.
I need the following
Preferably A T5 fixture. I already own two kessils but I would rather buy an entire new fixture for for my tank then buy another kessil just because Ilike the look of T5's over any led fixture on the market, I don't want Hallides either because of PUC costs.
what size do I go for? how many bulbs? can i get away with a 60" fixture? I might even put my two kessils on there somehow anyway.
I don't want to do a DIY I would rather get a manufactured brand of sump. I'm a really big fan of Trigger System Sumps but for some reason they havn't been replying to my emails for a custom made sump. I've purchased one before and really love their work but the lack of attention to my emails has left me very unimpressed. I want a sump with a refugium and sump holders as well as made of acrylic. suggestions for a large sump would be great.
I need a nice heater that's big enough to warm at least 230 gallons of water easily, without having to buy two hearters. If I need to then I guess I must
Protein Skimmer
I need a protein skimmer that can easily handle a Very heavy bioload that fits in sump but also won't cost an arm and a leg like $800.00. I'm willing to spend $500-$600 max. I also don't want something cheap like an SWC (sorry swc fans) I want something with a good pump like a bubble blaster. I need the customer service if something goes wrong.
That pretty much sums it up. Thank you SO Much for your help folks