I moved over most of the corals I had left from my disasterous tank move. Lost a whole bucket (literally) of SPS, so it's rebuilding time.
Just some random pics:
Duncan coral:
Montipora undata:
Montipora setosa:
The first pic is my ORA Red Planet frag under 2x24w T5HO:
Here's another in the tank (on the sandbed):
It's actually much more intense, but I'm having a hard time with the white balance on it.
A new maricultured colony with purple tips and greenish corallites:
I also picked up a thick aqua/blue branching acro. hopefully it grows nice and thick in my tank too.
Also, in QT right now I have three fish - a small sixline wrasse that I'll attempt to pair with my established sixline, a twinspot hogfish, and a beautiful purple tang.
Twinspot hogfish:
The purple tang came with some damage to a first spine, and a case of HLLE starting up, but after a week it cleared up completely!
Sorry for the dark fish pics - I didn't change the WB.
No FTS yet - nothing's been arranged yet, so no FTS. I'm working on a ricordea garden in one corner, and still contemlating positions for the few SPS colonies I still have.
I should be getting some more corals from friends this weekend, and another reefer I met the other week. I can't wait to start rebuilding!