Eric's 100g tank build

Im making my sump baffles out of black acrylic, and my dosing solution containers are made of acrylic to fit the space I have in the stand. Also, I've had a little stand made for my Profilux doser to sit on top of the dosing boxes.
subbing as well. thats alot of work to be doing in an apt that high up in the city. good luck!
Got my acrylic goods that I ordered from a local forum member dropped off today - 3 dosing boxes, a little stand for my doser, and my black baffles. Everything is top notch, and I'd recommend him to anyone looking or some custom acrylic fabrication in the GTA.

Here are the dosing boxes. Exactly as per my design, and they're amazing. I had the brief thought to turn one into a tank for my desk ( I may have to place another order with Jamie soon!)
My original plans:

Jamie noted that the 2" opening would be too small to get a hand in to clean (good eye!), so after consulting with me, we changed it to 4". The result is:

You can see the little doser stand on top.

Lid detail (it seals the box nice and tight - perfectly made!)

More close ups:

Baffles were made in black to minimize the amount of light thrown around the sump, and prevent algae growth where it's unwanted:

Mocked up in the sump (with return pump and skimmer, of course):

Now that I have the dosing solution boxes, sump baffles and my 10g top off reservoir (my former 10g tall reef tank :)), I put it all together under the stand. Thanks to the acrylics and the white interior, it looks really clean.

Dosing box fits perfectly with a few mm to spare:

All together now!

Frontal shot:

Right (ATO reservoir) side:

Left (Skimmer) side:

Lots of room above the skimmer:

Behind the sump there's about 1.5" to run electrical and hide anything else:

And a nice little space for storing everything else, and maybe even a future frag tank/species tank of ~10g:

Very excited to start seeing everything come together!!
Since Miracles forgot to apply the black vinyl backing, I tried to apply the vinyl on the tank myself, but I suck. Bad. There's no way I can do it right and make it look decent. I'll probably have to paint the back tomorrow.

Also, I had our electrician friend come in, and long story short, because of shoddy construction (builders used 1/2" conduit where it should be 3/4"), he couldn't get the new wire through - all this after 2 holes in the wall and 3 hours figuring out the wiring in our condo). So now I'll be running the tank off the exisiting circuit (which does the whole living room area) for now and hope that it holds.

I made some progress today. I cut out an area for the outlets, and expanded one of the holes I put in the back top corner of the stand since I forgot that the power cord for the fan for the light fixture has an adapter on it.

Also, I hung the light fixture. Got the bulbs in and, glass splash shields installed and put that baby up!





It makes me crazy that the fixture is held up by little bolts in the ceiling, but I suppose I should have faith in them - but I can't help but feeling like one day I'll come home to the fixture having gone for a swim....

Anyways, I'm pretty happy.

Next steps:
1. Make back of tank black somehow - try vinyl again? paint black with acrylic/latex?
2. Level stand - it's ever so slightly off.
3. Get tank on stand.
4. Glue down plumbing.
5. Silicone in sump baffles.
6. Arrange electrical components (power bars, controllers, battery back-up, cords, etc.).
7. Profit!!

Just kidding! Then starts the real fun!! Filling the tank!!! woooooo
Everything is so neat, wish I can get mine like that maybe in the near future. Good luck man.
Kind Regards
South Africa
Is the ATI at least held up with toggle bolts or did you anchor it into a ceiling joist? I just recently hung a halide pendant and swapped out the tiny bolts supplied by AquaMedic for some real toggles just so I could sleep easy at night.
I love those dosing containers you had made for you! The project is looking great. Keep up the good work.

looks nice cant wait to see it

Everything is so neat, wish I can get mine like that maybe in the near future. Good luck man.
Kind Regards
South Africa

Thanks All! I love the containers too. I think I'll use what's left of the vinyl and try to apply it to the back of the containers for the hell of it. Well, maybe, one day.

Is the ATI at least held up with toggle bolts or did you anchor it into a ceiling joist? I just recently hung a halide pendant and swapped out the tiny bolts supplied by AquaMedic for some real toggles just so I could sleep easy at night.

It's a Sfiligoi :) I couldn't anchor it to a ceiling joist, so I'm using toggle bolts - each is rated for 40 lbs, so they should be fine provided I don't do anything stupid.

Last night I got the sump all done up. First I taped all where the silicone would go down:

After using generous amounts of silicone (GE silicone 1, without mildew guard), and using two plastic spoons to smooth out the seam, I removed the tape and now it's curing in the bathroom.


It looks nice, and the silicone is pretty neatly done. Hopefully it's strong enough to hold the water in each compartment :)

I've coerced a buddy out for dinner tonight - little does he know that he'll have to earn a beer by lifting a tank! :D I can smell the progress already!
In the last few days I've got the tank up onto the stand, got the light fixture hung from the ceiling, and all the plumbing done. May have suffered some brain damage from all the fumes.

I had to change up the return plumbing a bit to fit the space better as with the planned layout it jus took up too much undertank real-estate. There's a bunch of elbows on the return, but I figure with my return pump I can afford the increased head loss.

Now all that's left is to wipe her down and fill it up. I can smell the salt already.
More pictures!

Bulkheads in place:

In tank plumbing (all grey schedule 40 PVC - for the sextra sexyness);

Plumbing in the stand:

Not too worried about all the elbows on the manifold - my return pump should be able to overcome it just fine.

Electrical componenets:

All together with dosing containers, sump, ATO reservoir and GFO/GAC reactors:

Some pics with the light going on - can you see the Starphire glass? I can't :D

Through 3.5' of Starphire glass:

I did a small test of the bulkheads - no leaks in the bulkheads, but there is a small leak through the threaded fitting of the emergency overflow pipe. No big deal though - it leaked ~5ml overnight into the sump.

And a FTS:

Picking up 50' of RO/DI line this weekend to start filling the tank!
Extremely clean set up. "I like it a lot."

Where did you have your containers made?

Are you doing sps? What kind of rock you gonna start with?