ESL problems.


Active member
Yesterday while trying to setup a new program in ESL, I could not get the time set to my current time.
I tried off and on for a couple hours with no luck.
So today is a new day and I give it another shot.
Now I can't get the connection manager to connect.
I can't begin to could how many times I've tried.
Tried multiple times to uninstall and reinstall on 2 different computers.

I'm about done with Radions and these issues.
Someone is going to get a great deal on a pair of gen 4 XR30's
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So another new day and I give it a try and I get the connection manager to start and I log in to esl, but it doesn't fully load.
Most of the graphics load, but the current schedule doesn't show up and most of the tabs don't work.
Thank god there is phone support for these lights.
I swear I tried everything I could think of.
But Chris got my going in the right direction and then a quick call and a brief talk with Tim and the lights are up and running.