Essential nutrients for good marine plant growth?


New member
What do most folks feel are essential nutrients and in what quantities for dosing marine macro algae tanks, specifically a cold water macro tank?
Hey Joe,

Mostly the usual Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and iron ;) In well stocked (fishwise) tanks that are fed heavily, the major nutrients of N, P, K seem to be sufficient with iron addtions being sometimes necessary. Much playing around to determine optimum needs. Plantbrain (Tom Barr) maintains plant tanks with low fish loads and supplements N and K as Potassium Nitrite. A search on his user name in this forum will yeild some interesting posts from him. I keep a 900 gallon pool out in the yard to hold and grow gracilaria and Ulva. In this I use organic fertilizer to provide the Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. Iron is supplemented using a homade mix of Iron Citrite based on a recipie from Randy Holmes-Farley. The Ulva in particular seems to require Iron in order to stay a nice green color. I can give you a small bottle if you want to play with some ;) Determining quanitities is bit tricky and more of an art. Every system is likely to have somewhat varying needs depending on fish stocking densities, feeding rates, what kind and how many macro's, lighting etc. I generally like to play with one parameter till I find the maximum positive effect and then move on to the next parameter.