ESV B-ionic salt unknown parameters for those interested....


New member
Hey guys,

Just received my red sea coral color test kit, and tested some unknown parameters with ESV B-ionic salt. Here is what i got

Mixed at 1.026 salinity:

Iron = 0
Iodine = .06
Potassium = 440

Other parameters based on salifert and hanna

Calcium = 440
Alk = 9.8
Magnesium = 1380
PH = 8.3

I thought it was interesting how the salt had elevated potassium levels.

Hope this helps someone.
Thanks for the info.

I didn't know Red sea had a potassium test kit. How is it to use? The potassium kit I have is just about impossible to read.
Thanks, I went and checked out a video of it. Looks much easier to read than the kit I have. I'll have to pick one up.