ETA on new swivel arm?


New member
Will this new swivel arm be available soon? Its been about a month since I noticed the last request for it and thought I would ask.

I had them all along, it was the post and not the swivel arm. I ordered several last week as I am now out, I didn't realize this was the part until a customer pointed it out. I should have more soon.
The part I want allows a stream mounted to a magnet holder to have a larger turn radius. Is this the same part you are refering to?
Hi Roger,

Thanks for the info. I need to cancel my backoredres.

Do you know where I can order a pair of the 6080.23?


If you ordered from Premium Aquatics they have already changed the orders. They have them on order already.
I just ordered a 6080.50 from SaltyCritter today (its been shipped). Is the 6080.23 an updated magnet holder or a different piece? Where do I get a 6080.23 and will it work on my setup (brown 6000 + 6080.50).
It is the post that mounts on the magnet holder or rail that came with your pump, the new one is black and has an offset so the pump can swivel more.
Thnx. I'll see how it works out tomorrow. If i need the new swivel arm, where can I get it?
It isn't the arm, it's the post, I don't have any right now but I ordered a hundred of them a couple weeks ago once I realized it was the part, hopefully soon I will have them.