ETSS Skimmer Club!

I got my Evo 750 with a Blue line 40 for $225 and thougt it was a good just blew me away.

I think the max flow ETSS recommends for this skimmerin a little over 1000gph...curious to know how the mag 18 continues to work out
Ty for the clarification JagerEinheit.

And as for the mag 18. AETech sugests the mag 18 or 24 for this skimmer from the danner line.

Once I get it dialed in I'll have to see how it does.

Actualy seems like it could take more presure.
With the gate valve all the way open the foam head was almost 1.5" under the bubble plate at the top of the main body.
Time will tell :)

I love this thing!
I think the blue line is pressure rated where the mags are not so much. That may be why menace78 can run the Mag18 which I think is rated at 1800gph. After head loss from the skimmer it is likely running at much less. I would try out the blue line 40 and just put a ball valve on the output that way you can dial it back if needed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15118318#post15118318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rigleautomotive
The pump you are driving it with is not consistent or strong enough to keep it stable.that skimmer runs great with a pressure rated pump like a iwalki 20rlt or a blue line HD20.I know the manual says they can be ran with a mag pump but they never reach full potential until you put a pressure rated pump on them

I don't have room for an external pump, and with advice have gone to a Mag7...passed up a deal on a Mag9 as I thought it may be too much.

Suffice to say, with the Mag7 I'm now getting the production in 12 hours that used to take a week with a Rio 2500+!

I called AE Tech today and he confirmed the Blueline 40 is at the top end of pumps for this skimmer.

He also said that if you went with an Mag drive 18 it would be a bottom end pump and the Mag 24 would be much better for the job.

Apparently the externals can drive more "head pressure" on these skimmers and the GPH rating on all pumps is relative or is not that important at all.
The GPH rating is important, but you have to consider the head loss to what you are pumping the water too. Look at flow curves for different types of pumps (pressure rated vs non-pressure rated) and you will know what I mean. The gph of non pressure rated pumps (mags) drop off quite a lot if you try to use them in an application with a lot of head loss. Pressure rated pumps are designed so the gph doesn't drop nearly as much when pumping water in a setup with high head loss. I don't know what your skimmer's head loss is but I know the etss 5000 head recommends a pump that pushes 5000gph at 12 psi (12psi is about 27 feet). I'm guessing your skimmer's head is equivalent to 7 or 8 + feet. You can probably find this info from AE Tech. That way you can judge your pump based on what it is doing at the correct pressure instead of 0 pressure.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15640041#post15640041 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by C-21 USAF
I called AE Tech today and he confirmed the Blueline 40 is at the top end of pumps for this skimmer.

He also said that if you went with an Mag drive 18 it would be a bottom end pump and the Mag 24 would be much better for the job.

Apparently the externals can drive more "head pressure" on these skimmers and the GPH rating on all pumps is relative or is not that important at all.

what pump do you have?
BlueLine 40 HD Inlet-3/4" Outlet-3/4" GPH@0FT-790
BlueLine 40 HD-X Inlet-1" Outlet-1" GPH@0FT-1270
They are both presure rated wich is better than the mag series but the differance is 1270gph minus headloss on a BlueLine 40 HD-X is probably about the same as the mag24 after head loss.

I agree the mag18 is the min. I should go with a presure rated pump and I plan on upgrading in the near future.
Anyone know what the max GPH with a presure rated pump should be?
I have a 3500GPH High Presure pump but not sure if It can handle it.
If it can should It still be using the (I think it's 1/2") injector nozzle? or should it be replaced with a larger one?

Not planning on using this pump on the current setup but might when I get a larger system if it dosn't have to be throttled back too much.
I have the Blueline 40 HD and you definitely wouldn't want more than that...I'm down to about 11 bio-balls to keep it from overflowing internally.
Please help

Please help

I'm trying to get my externally mounted Evolution 750 set up and the middle seal keeps leaking! I have taken it apart twice and studied the construction, reassembled and still can't keep it from slowly leaking.

I compared both o-rings and even switched them but it keeps leaking. It almost appears that the black reaction chamber disc is slightly thicker than the o-ring so no matter how hard I tighten the bolts it doesn't seem to seal.

I bought it used but has only about 6 months use on it.

Any ideas?
This is a commom problem with the evoloution series skimmers.The flanges become warped with age and the edges where the bolt holes are ,hit before the area where the o ring sits does ,creating too large of a space for the o ring to be clamped tight enough to make a good seal.these flanges need to be machine flat again.put a straight edge across the flange and look at the space beneath it at the o ring area,if its greater then the space at the edges where ther bolt holes are then the flange is warped.If its just the flange on the collection cup side you can get a new collection cup from gary for a small fee.a temporary fix would be to wrap 1 inch teflon tape carefully around the o ring(6 or 8 wraps),making it larger
That makes sense and I'll check the flanges but I already observed a small gap around the flanges even after I tightened the I dont think they're warped or at least they're not touching when the unit is running, but I'll still check.
well then if not that, the o ring is shrunk and needs replacement
the flange has come loose from the body and it is leaking there
I was wrong...when I looked again I saw one side of the flanges were in fact touching and the other side wasn't. Just to be safe I wrapped the o-ring in teflon tape and payed careful attention to tighten all the bolts evenly...been running for 4 hours now and no leaks...thanks a million!

1. Now where do most people adjust the water level?

2. Also I'm down to 10 large bioballs to keep the inner reaction chamber from overflowing internally. I'm assuming the internal overflow is bad, am I correct? Should I keep removing bio-balls until it stops over flowing?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15674967#post15674967 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rmosqued
PG&E is making a fortune off the users of these skimmers. LOL

Not me!
I'm on Seattle City Light :p
I have been thinking of getting one of these skimmers for my new set-up which will tie a 90, a 120, and a 210 gallon into a 150 gallon sump. (the 90 may not stay though). So I am looking to size this to a 500 gallon total system. SPS is the primary focus of this system with clams and a fairly heavy bioload as the 210 will likely be mostly fish.

Any thoughts to which one would be most appropriate?

Also, the newer cone skimmers are getting a lot of attention lately and since the ETSS is far less energy efficient, has anyone run both of these and could maybe comment as I don't want to drive up my utility bill for little gain.
