anybody here running a model 2000 and if so what is your pump??
I'm running a 1400 and am using a 250ps Panworld. Too much pump IMO. I'm always closing the air intakes to dry it out. I bet it would be perfect for the 2000. Also the Iwaki 100rlt (I think same specs).
turbulance doesn't matter on downdraft skimmers.
needlewheels rely on the fine bubbles gently bringing the crap to the top,downdrafts use the bubbles to throw the crap out the top.
thats why high pressure is used.
if you put a bubble plate in a downdraft ,you may lose production.
Okay i did close the vavle a little so pump isn't a full thorotle . now when you wet skim is it suppose to be crystal clear water in the cup.
Yes the gate vavle is completely open . and the water is still clear , but it still foaming into cup.
it will return to normal in a couple days.if it doesnt,remove the balls and try to place them in loosely to see if that helps [/QUOTE
Well the balls are lose in there now. I believe that they were in there tight once I took them out to clean them now there lose getting too much air. Hopefully the sit in there and get back to normal.