ETSS Skimmer Club!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14399764#post14399764 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cnaegler
Nice xJake,
What size ETSS ans what size pump drives that sucker?
To me it looks like an old version of the 2500 with the larger diameter bottom riser.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14405033#post14405033 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jdieck
To me it looks like an old version of the 2500 with the larger diameter bottom riser.

Yep, that's the one. It's definitely old, so that would explain the difference in the diameter of the bottom riser. I'm guessing that it just has the recommended pump from the ETSS site. (It's a Blueline/Panworld pump)
Sump Buddy 40

Sump Buddy 40

Talked to Gary at AETech a few days ago about the Sump Buddy 40. Sounds like it is being well received by those that are using it. I may be the last guy out there still running a Reef Devil II that is about 10 years old. I've been researching the heck out of all the fancy new stuff out there which = big $$$ in many cases. I think I've come full circle and may end up going with the Sump Buddy 40. My sump runs with only about 5-6" of water in it so that becomes a problem with a number of skimmers but sounds like it may be a good application for this skimmer. Still deciding but was hoping for some advice from other ETSS users that may be running this skimmer.
I am Running the SB40 in 7inches and it is great. I have an older square box Reef Devil also and I had to put that one on a stand. I can say between the 2 the SB40 is very easy to get dialed in.

It is in the sump just making bubbles, I have done the needle wheel skimmers and get tired of the maintenance. I like the set and forget.

BTW, I am running mine with 3 of the mini bio balls, on a Mag 7.
Thanks. I do find my ability to get the RD II consistently producing foam to my liking a bit of a challenge. Gary at AETech did say that the improvements over the last decade (that sounds funny when the word decade can be associated with equipment you own)since I bought my RD II have made them much better on this front in the form of the Reef Devil Deluxe or the SB 40. This is a very helpful thread, thanks to those that are contributing.

Looking at the AETech site it sould like the Mag 9.5 that I am using to run the RD II could easily be used on the SB 40.
I am running a Mag 9.5 on the SB40 (ish Proten 400). It runs like a champ. FWIW I have never had to readjust the skimmer unless I was experimenting with different pumps or bio balls. After all of my experimentation, the Mag 9.5 certainly does the best (and use the number of bio-balls that AETech recommends in the manual).
IOstream : looking at your www red house...the one pic I see of the skimmer looks like it is producing tea colored weak skimmate? is that before or after the bioball change???
how does the skimmate look now???
Haha, that was the equipment setup, the tank had nothing but Eco Rox in it. It was also with a mag 7 and a different number of bioballs. At this point I get a very dark skimmate, and a pretty good amount of it.
I got a killer deal on an ETSS 1000XR. It arrived, even though packed unbelievably well, like this:


I found an acrylic fabrication shop that fixed the tower, reinforced it, and then bracketed it on, and built me a stand so I could set the skimmer in my sump above the water line. Here's the bracket. This tower ain't goin nowhere!

I am running it off a T from my Hammerhead. I got 3000gph from a 1" tube out of that T. The ETSS has a reducer to I think 3/4" or 1/2" on the inlet at the top of the tower. I have no idea how much water is going in there but the valve on the T is about 75% open. Maybe a tad more.

I wish my Dwyer could measure the air intake, but there is no practical way to do it as the intake is 5/8". But the reduction to fit my Dwyer makes measurement silly. If I reduce to the small intake on the meter, the skimmer shuts down and it is pulling 25lpm on the meter. Must be closer to 55 or 60lpm.

And Dr. Good Luck (beyond the cracked tower) ... I got a great idea from someone to tie fishing line to the first bioball going into the tower, so that when I need to change the balls, I could pull the line and they'd all come up.

My 9yr old son tied the line around the ball really great. I dropped it in, then started to add the other balls. Connor yells, "Dad!!!" as the fishing line that I wasn't holding on to fell into the tower. D'oh!

The important thing ... this skimmer kicks butt! After feeding it's down maybe 30min. Otherwise, I get a thick, nasty foam. Very easy to dial this thing in, and unbelievable action. I guess the ability to move 1500-2000gph really makes a difference!

I may go back to my Orca Systems when I get it back (it is being adjusted a bit) but I may just sell that one if this stays consistent. I'm enjoying watching it! The other one will be awesome and if I decide to sell will post here. I mean, it was already terrific (pics still in my gallery), and with the adjustments should be able to handle a Laguna 2400 I have modded, or the 3 Sicces it was running before should pull more air.

More pics:




And my DIY waste collector, that leaks water from condensation underneath the bulkhead holding the air vent on top of the lid... not sure how I'll fix that.
i read earlier in this thread about inconsistent skimming my etss 600 did the same thing for a long time so i called and talked to gary at aetech and was told that some models of the 600 used less bioballs than others so went from 23 balls down to 13 and wow what a difference filled to the top foam he also said that they are only recommendations for the amount of balls you need to tune the skimmer to the pump that you are using i can not believe how much this thing skims now
Read my review on the sump buddy 40 in the review section. It's a nice stable skimmer that can work with smaller and more efficient pumps.
just wanted to chime in.. I have a reef devil running off a mag 7. I had horrible time getting the skimmer to be consistant due to fluctuating sump depth. I finally lifted the skimmer up about 10" so it is 2" out of the water and plumbed an elbow on the output so it would release the exit water underwater so I didn't have to hear it. I only have 3' of head rise... but, I'm considering going to a mag 9.5. all in all I'm happy with the unit.
i cant tell you how nice it is to finally have a piece of equiptment that is set it and forget it. and also built like a tank. i never thought that i could get this much skimmate out of my tank its amazing.
model 800 efficency poll

model 800 efficency poll

I run my 800 with a water level at the top of the skimmer housing where the first riser joins the system box. Where do you all run your water level for maximum efficiency?


Are these skimmers quite enough to have in the Living Room right next to the coach without being annoying?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14578086#post14578086 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HOBrien
Are these skimmers quite enough to have in the Living Room right next to the coach without being annoying?

They can be made fairly quiet, but there will always be a bit of noise to them. Nothing worse than most return pumps if you add hose to the air intake to silence it.