I got a killer deal on an ETSS 1000XR. It arrived, even though packed unbelievably well, like this:
I found an acrylic fabrication shop that fixed the tower, reinforced it, and then bracketed it on, and built me a stand so I could set the skimmer in my sump above the water line. Here's the bracket. This tower ain't goin nowhere!
I am running it off a T from my Hammerhead. I got 3000gph from a 1" tube out of that T. The ETSS has a reducer to I think 3/4" or 1/2" on the inlet at the top of the tower. I have no idea how much water is going in there but the valve on the T is about 75% open. Maybe a tad more.
I wish my Dwyer could measure the air intake, but there is no practical way to do it as the intake is 5/8". But the reduction to fit my Dwyer makes measurement silly. If I reduce to the small intake on the meter, the skimmer shuts down and it is pulling 25lpm on the meter. Must be closer to 55 or 60lpm.
And Dr. Good Luck (beyond the cracked tower) ... I got a great idea from someone to tie fishing line to the first bioball going into the tower, so that when I need to change the balls, I could pull the line and they'd all come up.
My 9yr old son tied the line around the ball really great. I dropped it in, then started to add the other balls. Connor yells, "Dad!!!" as the fishing line that I wasn't holding on to fell into the tower. D'oh!
The important thing ... this skimmer kicks butt! After feeding it's down maybe 30min. Otherwise, I get a thick, nasty foam. Very easy to dial this thing in, and unbelievable action. I guess the ability to move 1500-2000gph really makes a difference!
I may go back to my Orca Systems when I get it back (it is being adjusted a bit) but I may just sell that one if this stays consistent. I'm enjoying watching it! The other one will be awesome and if I decide to sell will post here. I mean, it was already terrific (pics still in my gallery), and with the adjustments should be able to handle a Laguna 2400 I have modded, or the 3 Sicces it was running before should pull more air.
More pics:
And my DIY waste collector, that leaks water from condensation underneath the bulkhead holding the air vent on top of the lid... not sure how I'll fix that.