ETSS Skimmer Club!

Talked to Gary at AE Tech. Skimmer can sit in sump as long as the outlet is not submerged more than an inch or two. So that is good.

I'm going to be trying one of these and see how it compares to my Orca, which is off for a modification that may or may not be possible right now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14191151#post14191151 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ShootMe

First a couple of questions. The water level in the skimmer should be 1” above the top of the black base correct? What should the depth of the water be that the skimmer is going to sit in and/or does it really matter? Second how many micro bubbles should I expect to come out of the skimmer? Third, how much space should be between the skimmer outlet and the baffle wall? This might determine if I can go with the 20 high or 20 long.


When I had space constraint, I had the skimmer box 2/3 in the water and as long as your pump is at spec, you will not have any issues. I would suggest you take out a ball or two from the towers so the water is forcing down stronger.

Regarding micro bubbles, you will get a good amount initially but after the skimmer breaks in, it will be minimal. I think another user suggested using stress coat for fresh water tank to help speed up the process.

I think you will need at least 2" to 4" between the outlet and the baffle wall. I strongly suggest you to get the biggest sump you can possibly fit and afford.
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This is the AETech user manual:

It states that for internal installation, the water level outside the skimmer should be below the red valve adjustment on the drain.

also of note:

Next, assuming that the water drains properly the initial water level should be set approximately 1 in. into the first clear section above the black sump box. This is not an ordinary skimmer, it will foam completely the rest of the way once it is broken in. Setting the water level too high REDUCES the air produced causing less than optimum skimming.
♦ Always use the lowest possible water setting that will produce dry foam.
♦ It can take from one hour to a week for the E.T.S.S.® to” kick in”. This depends on a variety of circumstances: organic content of system, type of pump used, water-surface tension, new plumbing, etc.
♦ If you set the initial water level too high, when the E.T.S.S.® “Kicks In”, it could overflow and push water out the drain. When the E.T.S.S.® begins to skim, because it is so powerful, it can easily push out tremendous amount of wet foam to the top of the collection cup and out to the waste container. Some aquarists impatiently raise the initial water level too high, trying to make the E.T.S.S.® skim before its time, and wound up with gallons of wet foam in the waste container.
This may have been a topic before but here it goes anyway:

Do any of you ETSS folks run ozone in your skimmers? I understand the ETSS skimmers are ozone safe and I was thinking of running it on my 800.

Chime in!

/Thanks a bunch,

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14274347#post14274347 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by diverdick
This may have been a topic before but here it goes anyway:

Do any of you ETSS folks run ozone in your skimmers? I understand the ETSS skimmers are ozone safe and I was thinking of running it on my 800.

Chime in!

/Thanks a bunch,

I do. Initially after a while I noticed the Ozone reacting with the neoprene (Black) O rings, I replaced them with silicone based O rings (Got from and have had no issues since then. It has been about probaly four years.
Some skimmers also come with a nylon hose adapter for the water inlet. I would recommend replacing that one also using PVC.
To feed it, I drilled and tapped the air inlet fitting and installed a fitting for the Ozone tubing (See Below)


I have activated carvon in the air vent of the waste collector to prevent unreacted Ozono being released. Also helps with removing stincky smell from skimmate. After a while I decided to vent the skimmer waste collector air to the outside.
Finally I have a bag of activated carbon in the chamber were the skimmer discharges into.

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i just picked up a etss 800xr used. i will be hooking it up this weekend. from what everyone is posting i cant wait to see this thing in action. its going on my 210 gal. reef. i will post some pics.

I just picked up an older ETS 1700. I have been told that it is similar to the current ETSS 2000 model. Now this is a little overkill for my system but it gives me room to grow. I plan on running it with a reeflo Marlin to save a little juice. Does anyone have any thoughts on cycling it on / off say every 12 hours?
Has anyone successfully "modified" their ETSS by trimming the towers?
I modded my ETSS - I shortened the height of the um.... what's it called? The tower with the bioballs in it... Reaction chamber, maybe?

At any rate, yeah, took a couple of inches off so that it would fit in the cabinet.
any more etss stories?
I am looking at either a sump buddy 40 or reef devil deluxe...anyone know the difference between these 2?
I am using the SB 40 and it is much easier to tune then the Reef Devils, at least it seems that way to me. The "sliding gate valve" works great and does not seem to be as touchy as a regular gate valve, plus there is no extra space used for the outlet.
When I was looking I also looked at the reef devil deluxe and sump buddy 40. The sump buddy has a redesigned downdraft and fits into a very small space. When I contacted ETSS about the difference and their recommendation for my tank they suggested the sump buddy would outperform the reef devil deluxe. Not having owned the reef devil deluxe I have no way to know, but the sump buddy 40 produces a thick dark putrid smelling skimmate. I would suggest the remote container as there is no smell until you empty it, and this skimmer can produce a lot of skimmate in a day. My water was never as clear as it is now. The build quality is impressive and the performance has been awesome. After tweeking the water level it is set it and forget it.
Monster ETSS

Monster ETSS

If any of you guys is looking for or knows someone looking for an ETSS 5000 XR have them get a hold of me.
I have question with my skimmer , i have reef devil deluxe and i run it with 950g\h pump , if i wont to get darker skimate did you advice me to use larger pump ?
Decreasing your water level in your skimmer neck will give you a darker skimate. I wouldnt put a pump on any bigger than the manufacturer of the skimmer recommends. I keep mine looking like dark ice tea I have always believed wetter is better.
Agreed, unlike other skimmers, the ETSS skimmers run great with wet skimmate. If they get to dry, the top section gets all hard and crusty. Thats a no no for the corvette of skimmers...


I just love my 600XR. Sounds like a Scud missle when I walk through the fishroom.
Mmmmmm... skimmate.... (courtesy of the Toledo Zoo Aquarium)



Here it is all squeaky clean...
WARNING: MUTE YOUR SOUND (it's really loud and annoying for some reason)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14399764#post14399764 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cnaegler
Nice xJake,
What size ETSS ans what size pump drives that sucker?

I'm not sure. I'll have to check when I go in this Sunday (Feb. 23).