Ever See a "Relaxing" Hermit Crab?


New member
Peeked in my tank tonight right after I got home to find this little guy (his shell is only about 1/2" long) perched up on my middle rock. Snapped some pics to show cause he looked so funny sitting there like that. Figure he's either too small to upright the shell or he just got tired of trying to upright it...I'll help him out if he's still like that when I go in there.


Gotta love them hermits...think I've gotten some of my best pics of them!
Funny, I posted the pic about an hour ago and I just went in there and he was still there...must have been stuck. Propped him upright with my "grabber"...couldn't stick my hand in cause I have a "capillary" leak because my water level is too high.
I need u to come by with that sick macro lens. Your pics are truly beautiful.
There's def some skills!
Thanx Gasman! That's my Dad's hand me down 100mm Hama lens. I am enjoying using it...it's manual focus, so takes some getting used to since I'm spoiled by automatic everything!
Man I can't wait for the day that I've got the $$$ to burn to buy Nikon's new "AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED." I borrowed my friend's 70-300mm w/ macro setting to take my last few macro pics that came out okay, but the fstop is still a bit high to get enough light in at that fast of a shot. Only problem with borrowing friend's lenses is like you said with the manual focus. I've got a newer Nikon, and it needs AF-S otherwise it's manual...