Ever seen this before?

reefer Rob

New member
I got my first acro a couple weeks ago, I ordered it on-line. My concern is that near the base of the colony there are 3 critter that appear to be some sort of snail or tube worm that the acro has grown over the top of. They don't seem to bother anything but the web they produce to catch their food ends up getting all over the coral.

Do they benefit the coral in anyway?

What would be the best way to rid them? I was going to try kalk paste?

OR should I leave them alone?

Hopefully you can see it in this pic:

its a tube snail and can harm corals by overwhelming them with the growth of their tube or producing suffocating slime
Looks like a vermitid snail to me. Usually they don't bother corals too much, but their slime wed can aggervate the coral especially when you feed the tank. I've never had a problem leaving them near corals, but when I see them I do get rid of them.

The best way to keep them from coming back in my experience is to snip off as much as you can, then superglue over the remaining part of the snail.
If you snap them off, use pliers or wear gloves of some kind. Those little suckers are sharp! Im speaking from experience.

I think other's have just put super glue over the top of the "tube" and that solves that. Good Luck!!
