Everytime I try to program aquarium on Ecotech


New member
Everytime I try to program aquarium after changing my lighting schedule I get stuck at

Programming Devices
Ecosmart Live is currently programming schedules to your devices this process may take several minutes to complete
preparing and Synchronizing Schedule data...

This happens every single time I have tried 6 browsers and I usually finally conquer this problem by refreshing the page and attempting to program aquarium about 100 times till it finally says Writing to "x radion" blah blah.

such a bad design flaw both me and my buddy have this same exact problem and no one from ecotech can seem to give us any answers

Have you contacted us directly, I ask because this is something we should be able to fix without to much trouble? Additionally, it's important to stick with Google Chrome when accessing ESL.
I always use google chrome I have just reset it all and have to get a usb to usb to get my reeflink readded to my account so I will contact in the next day or so