Evo 13.5 Nano Reef Lighting \ Flow conversation


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Welp... I'm Back. after a long sebbatical I spun up another Nano Reef. NO longer in Texas. Now in South Florida

I have an Evo 13.5 with AI Prime and a Hygger Wave Maker. I ordered a new SICCE 1.0 pump to replace the fluval Stock pump.

I went with a deep sand bed (2 inches) because i want to focus on SPS and inverts only in this tank. Despite the 4 small fish I bought. I have a Torch and a Hammer, a small bird's nest, and 2 other small acroporas.

I bought the skimmer as well for the first compartment and its functional, but you have to maintain the same water level to get it to work properly. So I put a ATO on the back chamber.

Will post pics later. Looking forward to some good convo here.


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Lights are ramping up so it’s super blue right now. That’s an AI prime with a 9 hour cycle… dusk to dawn. No reds or greens at all..I use 3%uv and 1% moonlight at night.
I like your aquascape. Lots of room to put corals in.
There is various Mille, tortusa, tenius,euphylia in there right now. Pygmy angel, rainford goby , yellow watchman and a outhouse cardinal (Bangai). Probably 25 blue legged and 15 astrea, sand star, tiger conch….