External pump or chiller problem?


New member
I have two Gen X40 pump connected to sump in which one of them goes thru an Artica commercial 1/2 Hp chiller model DA-500B. Lately the return flow from overflow ( the one connected to chiller) is almost nothing. How I know what's causing the problem. Is it the chiller or pump? Take in to consideration you dealing with an almost retire lady with almost no knowledge on the matter.:lmao:
I would suggest disconnecting the pump from the sump and run vinegar through the lines. The problem could be caused by build up in the pump or lines.
Before anything else, check the pump's intake to be sure it's not clogged.
I did check the pump inside thinking it was the impeller, even though I change it no more than a year ago, everything look good. I cleaned all lines and check valves. Nothing is being done to the chiller. The pumps are 12 years old.
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If the pump's intake is unrestricted, I would next check the output. Is there a connection that you can disconnect close to the output of the pump, and a way to catch the water that comes out if the pump is working right?
If it's pumping strong at that point, there's a clog somewhere down the line. If it' s weak at that point, you know the pump is the problem.
So, I just went ahead and bought an Iwaki MD-40RXT. Inlet for this pump is 1 inch, so I have to replace all tubing. To make story short, it was some kind of plastic screw in one of the previous connectors and that was causing the water flow problem. Now my overflow sounds like I have the Niagara Falls right on the family room and all this for nothing. I think the tank is going to take off any minute with the pressure this pump has.