Extra plumbing parts for sale or trade


Active member
I've got a ton of spare parts from recent builds. All parts are new unless indicated.

Sizes range from 1/2" - 1 1/2" diameter (most common size is 3/4")

1. intake strainers
2. PVC valves (both regular and union)
3. PVC fittings (SCH 40 and 80, white, gray, black)
4. Loc-line components - including valves and nozzles (3/4" MPT valves are used)
5. Black PVC pipe

Open to all trades, just no "weeds" (xenia, GSP, Texas Trash palys, etc.). Looking for zoas/palys (though my list is short), LPS, SPS, possibly fish and inverts.

Pick-up in Alameda, but if it makes sense to meet up, we can do that as well.