F/S: 80g rimless (Jupiter,FL)


New member
Hello RC,

So I got the itch to set-up a tank again. Unfortunately, my wife vetoed this one for being too big. So I am listing it for sale and downsizing. I just picked it up 1 week ago from the lfs second hand. I paid $350 but I re-made the front door with nice handles, magnets, and a lock (I have little ones). I put about $70 of materials into it. Regardless, the price is $350.

It is a Deep Blue 80 gallon rimless, reef ready tank. It comes with the tank, stand, plumbing, a 20g long sump with baffles, and a DC Waveline return pump. The LFS was using it as a frag grow-out tank. The Right side has a couple of holes that were made for cables to run through but can be easily repaired.

PM me if you're interested.


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Hello RedDawg,

I just checked the tank. I never noticed any when I first purchased it but I wanted to check it carefully before answering. If you look very closely there are a few very shallow marks in a couple of areas that you can't really feel by hand and I would be surprised if you would see at all when the tank is filled. Let me know if you are still interested.
Hello all,

Just for comparison. I looked up what this would all cost brand new:
Tank: 48"x24"x16" rimless reef ready aquarium ~$400-500 depending on supplier.
Stand: Glass cages has stands starting at $350 (no including delivery).
Sump: 20g long (~$30) not including the baffles and silicone to make it a sump
Pump: Waveline DC pump $109.99 in MarineDepot
Total: at the lowest ~$889.99

*If this size fits you and you're nearby, then it's a good deal. Thanks for looking.