F/S Blue Wave 250 HQI Ballasts ... used for 3 months.....


New member
Hello Guys,

I'm located in West Palm Beach Florida (zip 33406 )

I'm selling both my 250w HQI ballast. They are the Sun Systems Blue Wave models (http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merc...sunlightballast) with about 3 months of use on them and are in great condition. I'm going to try downgrading to an electronic ballast since these things are a bit much for a 58 g tank. I paid around 160 for them so I'm thinking 110 each would be a fair price ? Let me know if anyone is interested , and/or if you would like to make an offer...
I would be interested in just one, do they come with bulb and pendant/relfector? If so what kind. Let me know...

-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
Hello Zurc,

It's just the ballast.

You can pretty much run either SE or De bulbs on these types of ballasts. If you wans to go the SE route and need a reflector ... i can sell you a Sunlight Supply Super Sun Relfector (22¼" W X 24" H
) for 25.00 bucks to go with the ballast.
Unfortunately that reflector will not fit in my canopy, but I might be interested in taking it, is it just a bare reflector? I was looking for something complete or without just the bulb. Still not a bad deal, I will let you know if I will take it or not. Let me see if I can find a used reflector/cord/mogul for cheap.

-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
Hello Mike,

It's the reflector/cord/ and mogul.... all you have to do is add a SE bulb and ballast and your good to go.... I got it when i was gonna setup a 95g cubish tank, but that plan went out the window when the tank came in scratched :( ...

Nice reflector though
Ok guys a little change of plans.... I'm going to downgrade my lights to 150's. So i'm going to try to sell the Raw ballasts , Sockets, and Bulbs..... If you purchase the ballasts you have to supply your own enclosure. All these parts are coming from a Sunlight supply ballast and fixture.

Below is the price list ....

2 of MH Ballast 250W HQI (ANSI: M80) 70.00 bucks each
3 of 250w Metal Halide Sockets. 10.00 bucks each
2 36 inch URI SA VHO with less than 40 hours 10.bucks each.

I used AC 14k 15.00 and 1 Used P14 k 15.00

Let me know if your interested.