F/S: Bubble Coral


New member
Must sale. Sad to see it have to go, but my tank will have more flow all around and so this would not be good. When fully open it is 5" +.


More pictures if needed. Has to be out ASAP.

$25 or trade for other corals what life flow. No SPS please.
If you've not sold or traded it in a weeks time,then shoot me a PM.I'm going out of town & won't add anything to the tank until I'm back.Is this the same bubble you were going to sell a short while back,& where are you located again?Thanks,Darcy
where are u located ? I have some nice zoo's (including Blues :) ) ricordia's ( orange, grean and pinkish / light orange) and Frogspan for trade :D let me know
Ok, Darcy. I will let you know if nothing happens. This is the same bubble I tried to sale in the past, but always changed my mind.

jman77 you have PM