F/S RBTA and Frogspawn

Hey Carlos...has the anemone moved?
I am interested, as I inherited a 90g system and all my corals will be going to that tank. So I wanted to put in the 24g nano an RBTA and a pair of false percs. (U know the whole nemo thing for the kids...)
If it has not moved or is still in a hard to get place...no biggie.
I am not in a hurry but I do want it. Thanks.
Dude, thanks to Armondo...I can't go wrong!!!!
This is like the Christmas present of all Christmas presents!!!!
The best part is I was going to turn it down and my wife was the one that told me no...we will definately take it.
So with a free awesome set-up and the wifes support, what else can I ask for. :)
Sorry Mel,

Both sold a long time ago. A friend of Ricardo's called just minutes after it went for a walk about 2.5 weeks ago.