Feather duster or aptasia?


New member
My boyfriend and I are trying to figure out who's right and who's wrong.
He says aptasia and I say feather duster.
So someone please decide who's right and who's wrong...lol
Thanks in advance...


That's what I keep telling him... feather dusters a) look like feathers and b) aptasia has tentacles basically...and what's even funnier about the situation is a friend has a bad aptasia problem.
And showed him the difference and his goofy butt still thinks it's aptasia. Although now with 2 local fish stores and all of you here he has declared me the winner and smarter reefer. Trying to get a steak dinner out of being right and him being wrong...so far no luck. But did say we might attend show and might get something nice for me. Lol
So thank you all for the input.
