Feather Duster questions & care?

I'm interested in getting some feather dusters and had some questions.....

1. Are feather dusters combatible with African Flameback, Midas Blenny, Clown, sixline and Cleaner Shrimp? What are fish, invertabrates or corals to avoid with these?

2. Do you place them in the rockwork or sand? Do they move on you by leaving there tube or something else?

3. IF their tube is super long can you cut the end somewhat?

4. I love how they look but find there tubes not super appealing to look at. Any placement tips to hide tubes?

5. best food and how often to feed. I have a 34 g. mixed reef red sea

Thanks, Doug
I'm interested in getting some feather dusters and had some questions.....

1. Are feather dusters combatible with African Flameback, Midas Blenny, Clown, sixline and Cleaner Shrimp? What are fish, invertabrates or corals to avoid with these?

2. Do you place them in the rockwork or sand? Do they move on you by leaving there tube or something else?

3. IF their tube is super long can you cut the end somewhat?

4. I love how they look but find there tubes not super appealing to look at. Any placement tips to hide tubes?

5. best food and how often to feed. I have a 34 g. mixed reef red sea

Thanks, Doug

1. Sixline might pick at it
2. Anywhere you want , they don't move
3. Better not to never tried
4. Under sand or in rock you can also buy the smaller type that the "œtube" is not as noticeable
5. Its a filter feeder so any "œdust" or liquid food no real need to feed in your tank is mature enough
Avoid fish that are ‘pickers’ - most wrasses and angels. Best to carefully bury most of the tube in the sand. They do not like high flow.