February Meeting Notes


Here are the notes from the February meeting. Thank you to Lynn for taking them down for me!

There were a few things discussed at the meeting.

The first discussion was the shirts/sweatshirts with the clubs logo on them. It was decided that we would go with a gray color. Dan may however be able to get a better deal on the them so it was put aside until the next meeting.

There was a discussion about possibly joining the Fox Valley Reef club and holding a joint meeting with them. This was decided against as combining the clubs would be too many people at the coral farm. Kevin did however offer to open up the farm for us to purchase items out of it. A date will be discussed at the March meeting. Thank you Kevin for this opportunity!

Everyone should try to make the March meeting and bring your dues for the upcoming year with you.

We will be opening up a frag section on the website. It was discussed that members donate frags and proceeds go to the club. We will also be having a frag tank at the DFS swap this year that again members are encouraged to donate a frag or two with the proceeds going to the club.

It was discussed that we are not large enough to need a tax exempt status at this time. We will be holding off on that until it is needed.

It was also brought up that the club members would like to see our "board" members present at the meetings. This way if something needs to be decided on or questions asked they would be present to do that.

Next month we will be discussing rotating our meetings and having members host them.

The next meeting will be held on March 19th at 6:30 at the coral farm.

Until then...

Happy Reefing!