February meeting - Tank Tour


New member
Our regular Monday night meeting for Feb. could not be booked due to scheduling problems with the library. Instead we would like to do a tank tour, preferably on a weekend afternoon. So far we have these volunteers & dates:

alemab3 - Sat, Feb 17 - Newark - new 125g
cmondo - Sat, Feb 24 - Elkton

Would anyone else like to show their tank on either of these dates? We'd like to get 2-3 tanks for a tour. Don't be shy now, we don't bite!!

(For those interested this was the original tank tour thread)
i'm not a member but since chris (cmondo) is showin his take, you all can stop by my place if you want! it's right across the street from him (we're live in the same apt complex)

so the 24th would work for me

I wish I had something to show, but still no luck on the parts I need to keep my tank from leaking.

BTW Philip has a sweet tank. Everyone should definitely check it out.
That sounds great, thanks for the invite! Any other volunteers? If there's not a lot of travel time we can hit up 3 tanks.
Mike, if we can't work your date out you'll be the top of the list for the next tour. Maybe we can do March or early April.
just a little advanced notice to those that are plannin to attend the tank tour....

im plannin on tearin the tank down by the end of april (done w/ school and dont know where ill end up yet...) and parting everything out including livestock

so if you come, youll get a good idea of what i'll be sellin in a couple of months

That's a good idea Phil,

A pre-sale preview. We can check out the success of your setup, lighting and filtation and discuss it with you. And then have a grasp of what you will offer for sale later.

On the eve of your impending graduation, let me just say, In the Imortal words of my personal role model, Maynard G. Krebs, Congratulations! and Welcome to the Wonderful World of

Lucky sob. I still have another year ahead of me. My gf is graduating also. Another year of classes and I can't get into any of the classes I really wanted to take.

BTW If Philip's boxing crab comes out from hiding and is still alive I got dibs on it. :-P

Philip I'm glad I saw your tank and you recommended the Fiji pink. I paid for it, but this stuff looks great. Well in the 1 1/2" of water it is in below the leaky holes in my tank. :-/
Kens right! I don’t miss school much, but life in the cube gets pretty monotonous. Enjoy school it while it lasts! If your really smart you will stay with the poverty level you are used to living in and invest the restâ€"in other things besides reefsâ€"and retire comfortable…
Ill get off my soapbox now…:) lol

I would love to see the tour and presale view, but I usually take clients around on the weekends to see homes so I doubt I will be able to make it… I am always interested in expanding my collection though... keep us posted on the tear down and sorry to hear you'll be parting ways with your setup.
invert.... who does that?! haha j/k great idea... so much to think about, so much plannin for the near future...

but anyways, Eric, if you cant make it that weekend feel free to stop by during the week if you're really interested in adding to your setup... lmk

a message to all... i'll be posting a "advanced sale notice post" here in the DRC forums, and prob other local ones (philly, and s jersey) most likely by the end of april/early may

so get ready everyone! and try to make it that weekend to see what will be avail!!

OK, so it looks like the 24th (Sat) is a go. What time works for you hosts? 1? 2?
Also, please PM me with your addresses and I will send a map to the email list. (Philip - are you on our mailing list? if not, send me your email too)
Thanks guys, see ya soon! - Mary
to those that are stopping in for the tank tour:

if you have a good camera, would you be willing to bring it?
i need to take some shots of the stuff i'll be selling...
i would appreciate it!!
PhLip I already told you I would come over with my camera some time. Have the photographs I've been posting on RC not been of high enough quality for ya? :-P
I assumed it was. I think the focus of the past few posts shifted to the 24th once PhLip chimed in, but as far as I can tell, Mary's initial post for the 17th still holds.

Make sure you get your info (time, address, etc. - see above) to Mary (Tbor) so she can email it out.

- ted
We could do both, the 17 and the 24
I cant make the 24 but would love to see some tanks on the 17th

The 24th is definately on, Philip is OK w/ starting at 1PM, cmondo has not gotten back about if this time is OK or not.
I figured we would skip the 17th and check out Mike's tank later when we can get multiple volunteers. I also thought it might also be a problem for people to do 2 weekends in a row. But this doesn't have to be formal here, if people are up for two weekends and a 1 tank trip we can do both. I need to send out an email notice by Weds to give people enough time for this Sat, so Mike if you want to host on the 17th as well let me know and I'll email everyone about both. - Mary
OK, I will send the email out with info on both days. Do you want to do 1PM on the 17th as well, Mike?