Feed Mode Programing with ESL


Well-known member
Is it possible to adjust the length of time vortech pumps utilize feed mode with EcoSmart Live?

Is it possible to program a feed mode into a daily schedule using EcoSmart Live?
Is it possible to adjust the length of time vortech pumps utilize feed mode with EcoSmart Live?

Is it possible to program a feed mode into a daily schedule using EcoSmart Live?

Those are great questions.

You can adjust Feed Mode on the Settings tab under VorTech control. Simply log into EcoSmart Live, click VorTechs in the header, then click the Settings tab on the left (in between VorTech Modes & Live Demo). Feed Mode is the first setting in the list. You can adjust the speed and duration - just make a selection and it will be saved in real-time to all of the VorTechs in the selected aquarium. If you use the ESL iPhone app, you can also visit the Settings page under VorTech control.

Regarding using Feed Mode in your daily schedule, you currently can't, however we have it on our short list of features to add to EcoSmart Live.
Those are great questions.

You can adjust Feed Mode on the Settings tab under VorTech control. Simply log into EcoSmart Live, click VorTechs in the header, then click the Settings tab on the left (in between VorTech Modes & Live Demo). Feed Mode is the first setting in the list. You can adjust the speed and duration - just make a selection and it will be saved in real-time to all of the VorTechs in the selected aquarium. If you use the ESL iPhone app, you can also visit the Settings page under VorTech control.

Regarding using Feed Mode in your daily schedule, you currently can't, however we have it on our short list of features to add to EcoSmart Live.

Thanks Shaun, that answered my question. I look forward to being able to program feed mode.
I set the feed mode to 20 minutes yesterday, but today (First time the pumps have entered feed mode since the change) one of the pumps came back on after only a few minutes, whereas the other 3 stayed in feed mode for the entire 20 minutes. All four pumps are mp40 and located in the same tank.

I also noticed that if you log out (or time out) feed mode ends and any temporary adjusts with lights, etc. return to the normal schedule. Is there a way to keep your browser session from timing out, short of clicking on the screen?

Thank you.
I know I'm resurrecting an old thread, but I'm wondering if feed mode scheduling is possible at this point? And how to do it using reef link app, if so?