Feeding anemone


New member
Hi. I'm having trouble feeding my Bubble Tip Anemone.

I would attempt to feed him Mysis shrimp... the frozen cubes. I'll cut a small cube and place it on his tenticles. A lot of the shrimp on the cube starts breaking off and floating away and only a few peices of shrimp remain on his tenticles. I don't see him eating those few peices either. Can anyone tell me how to feed this guy?
I feed whole silversides (Pro-Salt) or lancefish (the same animal, just different labels) and whole krill. I do thaw the food thoroughly before feeding. After that, I use gloves and touch the food to a tentacle or two.

If the food is thawed and not sticking, the animal doesn't like the food or is not capable of feeding, perhaps due to stress, etc. How long have you had the animal?
Thanks, Bertoni. I've had him for two days. Perhaps feeding him is a bit too soon. I want him to be happy. I'll wait a week and try again.

I'll also get some lancefish and see if he likes that.
i feed mine whole uncooked shrimp ( thawed in tank water ). using a pair of SS tongs i just touch a tentacle or two and he grabs it and pulls it in. ( sometime with a little tug of war with the cleaner shrimp )