Feeding fish affecting SPS corals? YES!!!!

Well, it has been 14 days since I stopped the pellets. The colors have considerably improved since then. Not 100% back to where it was, but I would say a good 80% back. That is despite me finding that I have the AEFW again and having a couple of corals die as a consequence of them. Regardless, the difference is significant and noticeable. I have not changed a single thing in my routine by the way.

I must admit I was very skeptical myself about the pellets and thought for sure I would prove myself wrong, but I was wrong about being wrong LOL................ This is even more surprising to me because this particular type of pellet is pretty popular, and I personally know of at least 5 people that rave on how good it is and how it gets finicky fish to eat! However, this is simply my personal experience only. Again, this is not intended to discredit the makers of this product or to bash the product itself, but rather to point out my personal experience with them. Also, since first posting about it, I have gotten a few PM and emails asking me if it was this particular pellets because those people have also had bad outcomes with it.

So what is the pellet in question?

SPECTRUM THERA A+ (non-medicated anti-parasitic formula) by NewLife. The container I bought had a hippo tang and a bala shark in the picture of the label.
you may have something.... i was using pellet lately as i ran out of my DYI frozen and havent had a chance to smell up the house with a new batch...
do your fish have parasites?

It is puzzling to me why anyone would feed this unless their fish were sick.
I know its asking alot, but it would be a nice experiment to see if you have the same problem when substituting a different brand of pellet (Formula 1, Dainichi Marine, etc.)...
No trying anything else. This was a simple observation as it happened unplanned. I am done with pellets.
FWIW, I feed almost exclusively Formula One pellet (lots of it), and NEVER feed my SPS directly---though they sure look happy when bathed by a cloud of poo from one of my bigger fish.

I've got out-of-control growth and great colors. I'm substrate-free with an oversize skimmer and a touch of ozone, so the tank is just "temporarily" dirty at feeding and pooping time.
