feeding rics and yumas


Active member
how does everyone feed their rics, yumas and hairy shrooms if they feed them. and what do you feed them. thanks in advance!!! :cool:
i target feed my rics an yumas cyclo peeze or coral freenzy or oyster eggs.. on my haries i give them a small piece of shrimp..my haries love it..
Lately, I target feed fish eggs, or frozen plankton. Sometimes a homemade soup of nori, spirulina, shrimp, fish eggs, clam
IMHO it depnds on alot more than just the pumps and the tank size - my 24 has 40x turnover and my mushrooms and rics seem to be loving it BUT I placed them down low and in lower flow areas of the tank (rock work is key).
i feed mine a bunch of different stuff. they have been loving oversized pieces of shrimp. cant believe they can fit somthing so big into their mouths, but they do. and they love it!! I will place it right on itsw mouth and within 15 min it gone. i turn all power heads and pumps off and put some dt's in first. i do this at night. i then turkey baste some corals and then feed my rics and shrroms. by this point them and my candy's and my other stuff is realdy to eat. i do the same to my brains and fatavia, crazy white tenticles sem to disolve the shrimp before my eyes...
I feed my florida's, yumas and my purple death zoa's some rods reef. I also target feed my yumas large amounts of mysis shrimp.
i target feed my yumas twice a week with frozen mysid shrimp/frozen rotifers with the pumps off. i use a 20mL syringe with airline attached to direct the food to them.
I target feed slices of regular frozen shrimp and scallop. I used to hit them with the turkey but now I just cut slivers and feed each mouth using a small set tongs seems to waste less and takes about the same amount of time. I have noticed that it doesn't matter what size item they get (within reason) if they start eating they will reject another piece. Ie it's better to give them a larger item. I was hitting my zoa's with puree of scallop they seem to like it.

That airline trick sounds awesome for hard to get at shrooms.