few fish for sale.


Skimmer Guy
I a going to be changing some things around a bit as my interest in the hobby are changing over time. I am going to doing more coral prop, or at least try to. And rather than having a bunch of tanks I am going to split my 90gallon. Keep half of it reef and setup the other half as frag racks. So with that I am going to have to remove some of the fish as there wont be enogh rock for them to pick at. I am going to crush some of the base rock and put it in my filter.
Yellow Tang, Good eater eats anyhing $25(sold)
MAle and female lyretail orange anthias $35 for the pair(sold)
Yellow stripe maroon clown. Had her almost 2 years now. Great color. $25
Maybe my lavender tang. I really like this one I ll have to see how the rock works out.
$30 for the lavender
I am keeping my potters and my green spot mandrain.
Thanks mojo~
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14481396#post14481396 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xXch0dyXx
you have a pic of the lavender tang?size?

It is to big for your nano, or did you plan on putting it in the tank of death.....hehehe
obviously it wouldnt be for the nano, it would go in QT until i figure out *** is wrong with my 90... im debating a full tear down... maybe ill just do a couple 25% water changes this weekend and hookup that UV sterilizer im suppose to get...

my 90 = EPIC FAIL

side note, the fish in my QT are doing great and very active, so its only my 90 that has the black death
havent made up my mind on that one yet. Once I get the frag tank plumbed in this weekend I ll start putting fish in it to hol until I get the moved out sold or traded. I found a baby urching. Black long spine urchine. About hte size of a dime. lol