FFExpress has 5-6" Peacock


New member
I called about it yesterday and they still had it for $25. It's more green in color. I wanted to get this guy for myself, but I already have one peacock and I should save the tank space for other species.
I went ahead and ordered this guy since I'm already getting a bimac. I had to justify the cost of shipping right??? RIGHT???


I'll post pics assuming everything turns out ok.
here's big daddy:

here's big daddy:

this guy was bagged in about 7 bags, then a clear plastic container with a wire mesh covering a cutout on one side. i guess they didn't want any accidental thumpings through the bags. there are a few blemishes on it's carapace.....i'm guessing this is just because the shrimp has had a rough time. it's also missing the tip on one of it's antennae.
he's a real monster of a shrimp. right now i have him in a holding container inside a 10gallon that has my other, smaller mantis. she (i believe it's a female) immediately came out of her cave and scratched at the acrylic as if she wanted to get closer to him. he just sat there, probably stunned from the shipping/acclimation. i'll see if he's up for some din;-din tonight.

din-din is a small yellow tailed damsel i bought for the female, but she never ate him. in fact, they share the cave from time to time. i dont know why, but she wont even attempt (or i haven't witnessed her attempt) to catch the damsel.
My peacock mantises never tried to eat the damsels in their tanks, even when they had eggs. :)

BTW, you might want to take a close pic of the white marks on it's back and post it. Looks like it might be shell disease?
