Figured out what is wrong with clam...

YES PICS!! *sigh* Maybe we can correlate our experiences and draw some kind of conclusion here, as I seem to have something along the same lines in my clam, except they seemed to be living in the viscera.
pyramid snails

pyramid snails

I had two clams a deresa and a squamosa. Both fell to pyramid snails. I was aware of these, but I have a six lined wrasse and was told that would take care of it. I told him he had better start earning his keep, but I doubt he will listen. How do I recify this situation. I have no other clams left and don't plan on purchasing any until I know how to clear this up. I don't think it came from any of the clams that I purchsed. I had the last clam for about 3-4 months. The Squamosa had about 12-15 pyramid snails near it's byssal opening, but the Deresa had none. I took looked inside the clam and did not see any snails. Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated. I loved my clams and my tank is not the same with out them. My Squamosa had amazing purples, greens, and blues. Thank you.
okay this thread has my interest!!! I have added 3 new clams [all small] from my buddys store. there all doing fine in his holding tanks. I've lost 2 overnight! dissolved! they weren't in my tank for more than 2 days. the third is still fine and my larger maxima is fine. I have lots of stomatella snails but have been seeing different colored ones as of late. some black and some light brown with a lined pattern. I'm starting to wonder??
my tank is a year old and stable 500g. no pyranid snails day or night. what can cause rapid death in clams?? I acclimated them for 3 hours.
I an obviously coming in on the back side of this but as I read it through I kept thinking this. If it is a pyramid snail why would the tech D kill it. It is a mollusc also I would think that Iodine levels high enough to kill a healthy one would also kill the ailing clam.

I do see its benefit for secondary bacterial infection though.

Food for thought