fiji premium live rock f/s


New member
i just got 3 boxes of fiji premium live rock for my new tank project today and i have about 40 lbs leftover. i kept most of the larger pieces because i'm starting a 225g w/ a 25g refuge. but the remaining rocks (mostly med and small sized rocks ranging from 6"-10"- no rubble) have much better color and coralline coverage- i guess this thread would best serve those w/ smaller reef tanks/nanos.
i guess the best way to go about it might be sell two batches of 20lbs each. how's $40 sound for 20 lbs? shoot me a pm if you're interested.
oh, and i was told by the person that sold me the rock that it had been flown in this afternoon (thurs) so it's as fresh as it gets, i suppose.
oh, sorry- i'm in diamond bar/walnut area. i think i have 2 interested parties, but once i confirm i'll post something.