I found these a little over a year ago shortly after my reef tank crashed and wanted one at the the time but couldn't justify paying for shipping to try it. A few months ago walked into my local Petco and they had one of these and a lawn mower blenny which was actually what I was looking for that day. Swooped both up for the FOWLR as I knew there was still was Aiptasia in that tank. Took them home and started drip acclimating over three hours, my FOWLR has puffers so salinity is 1.021. Two hours into acclimating I walked into the living room to find alone the blenny in the bucket. Apparently my three year old had reached into the bucket and knocked the filefish out somehow. Ten minutes of searching and asking the kids I was finally able to get enough out of them to realize he thought it was dead when he knocked it on the floor and had thrown it away. I found the fish and got him back on a bucket and acclimated. A month later he had cleaned all the Aiptasia from my FOLWR, and I moved him to the external Refugium aka my old reef tank and he cleaned the Aiptasia from that tank in two weeks. He has now been in the FOWLR with the puffers ever since and has been a great addition in cleaning up behind their sloppy eating habits. At feeding time the Maroon and three puffers create a feeding frenzy at the surface and the filefish just swims near the bottom and picks up scraps that fall through the water column. My only complaint with him is his fearless attitude allows him to steal food from my Dogface puffer occasionally which causes the puffer to go off food and pout for days at a time.