Filter sock and PH


New member
Can someone tell me why when I use filter socks my PH fluctuates a lot more than when not using them,.
Without, PH range is 8.4 to 8.2 and with sock it ranges between 8.2 and 7.85.
I clean socks with bleach RODI mix, flush with streaming hose and then soak in plain RODI for a few days and then totally dry them. These fluctuations are daily.
Can someone tell me why when I use filter socks my PH fluctuates a lot more than when not using them,.
Without, PH range is 8.4 to 8.2 and with sock it ranges between 8.2 and 7.85.
I clean socks with bleach RODI mix, flush with streaming hose and then soak in plain RODI for a few days and then totally dry them. These fluctuations are daily.

Interesting observation. Those differences are close enough to question to what degree they happen by chance.

Your thorough cleaning of the sock seems to eliminate the sock itself as the cause. The sock might be effecting water flow.

Fluid flow may effect pH readings. Does the water flow differently around the probe with or without the sock?

Without the sock, water flow might churn more air into the water. This in turn might cause more CO2 to leave the water (better gas exchange).

Good luck!
Interesting thought on the water churn as it is on a Trigger Systems Emerald 34 which does have more turbulent water flow at the sock holder when they are not in. After a few days with them in the flow is definitely less turbulent.
The probe gets the same flow with or without the sock and is further down the sump.
I was just wondering if anyone else here observed this difference.
I thought it may have something to do with the bleach.
I thought it may have something to do with the bleach.

After your thorough washing there just wouldn't be much bleach or bleach oxidized organics left to effect the pH, especially in the case of a buffered system like seawater.
Pure speculation -- more flow, more oxygen, higher pH. less low, more C02, lower pH.

Personally, I run 200-micron socks on the overflow and after switching over to them I have no algae-issues and my pH never drops below 8.4. I don't clean them with bleach though, I soak them in H202.
I have a very course pad at the inlet of where my socks would go. It does catch some stuff.
I alternate between using socks a week and then a few weeks without. That’s how I noticed the PH fluctuations. The sump definitely gets dirtier with out them. It gets sand from my three large wrasses that cause tornados of sand from burrowing.
Interesting thought on the water churn as it is on a Trigger Systems Emerald 34 which does have more turbulent water flow at the sock holder when they are not in. After a few days with them in the flow is definitely less turbulent.
The probe gets the same flow with or without the sock and is further down the sump.
I was just wondering if anyone else here observed this difference.
I thought it may have something to do with the bleach.

Seems like this would be easy to test. Add an air stone or other aeration while the sock is on. Or even a powerhead pointed at the surface. Anything to get the missing churn back. See if the pH returns to the higher levels you'd expect without the sock.