filter sock cleaning

I use bleach and water in a home depot 5 gallon bucket. I flip the socks inside out to clean some of the gunk out of the sock. Then flip the sock right side out. I then put them in the bucket with the bleach water mixture and soak for 24 hours. Then I hose them off really well and let air dry for a day. If rinsed well the bleach will evaporate. I do not clean them in my washer,ive heard people have had washers start to rust from the saltwater. If that's true or not I dunno. Plus the 5 Gallon bucket saves energy and water, plus no chances of accidently bleaching your clothes
Same here. Similar method (Per FAOIS instructions) Take it outside blast as much gunk off I can with high pressure nozzle on hose, run washer empty to clean out residual detergent. Throw in sock and bleach. Run cycle. Then run another rinse cycle to wash out rest of bleach. I'll usually soak it in some ro/di before placing back in sump. Never had an issue.
I flip mine inside out, beat all the gunk out that I can, then soak in bucket with water and peroxide for 24hrs. Run the washer through rinse cycle first with nothing in it. Then add socks and bleach, I then run the rinse cycle usually twice to ensure as much bleach is out that I can. Then air dry them...they come out looking pretty nice
There are several really good threads about this topic on RC if you search it. Here is what I found to work best. Throw all socks into 5g bucket, pour peroxide on them and let sit for at least an hour. Take the bucket outside where you have access to a water hose and start washing and rinsing them. I recommend purchasing this great tool- to Make this pre-washing process most effective. Once you have pre-washed and rinsed the socks several times you then throw them in the washer and run them twice without adding anything to the load. When finished air dry them and your all done. This worked best for me.
I throw them inside out into our front loader. Cap of bleach, add pretty soak, heavy soil, extra rinse. It's a 2.5 hr cycle. Let them air dry and off gas for a couple days before use.