filter sock vs mushroom growth


New member
My mushrooms have reduced in size (50% or more) in the past 4 weeks & trying to figure out the reason. I added a filter sock at that time and am wondering if I'm removing their food source. Does this make sense? Jimr
I did a search (on RC) on the pros & cons of filter socks and the recommendation was to use socks when it's required to have very clean water (SPS corals) but the socks remove the nutrients for soft corals.
I have a sock and i just spot feed them every 3 days which keeps them happy... this way both sps and shrooms are ok
I use some frozen cubes of cyclops and another I dont remember but has phytoplankton... every 3 or so nights I sppt feed with a small turkey blaster with all flow off... the ricordeas love the feeding especially, my red shrooms dont really care for it but will eat some every now and then.. I also feed the LPS the same way and they puff really nice the next day..
I always run a filter sock on my overflow drain; mushrooms and ricordeas do better in my system than any other coral. In combination with the sock I use a skimmer thats only rated to 50% of my system water volume and 2 cups of carbon in an upflow canister, replaced once a month.
Tahoe Reefer, I don't know what the majic formula is buut I'll try and get back to the water conditions that favor the mushroom which includes no sock. I run a good skiller (Oct-x 200) for 140gal and change the carbon & GFO monthly. Thanks for your inputs, Jim