Filter socks or not

Thanks for all the response when I setup the tank I think I'm leaning towards barebottom good random flow and no socks I will just keep up with detritus removal with water change siphoning it sounds like a lot of you guys with great running systems have been able to get by without them. Do you guys still you the chemipure blocks?
I'm a fan of 25 micron socks, I ran 2 on my 300 gallon, BUT I also changed them every morning (I had 75 or so socks, so it wasn't too bad). When I tore it down last year after 18 months, the tank was really "clean" so to speak, but like Ted, I had a lot of flow in the tank with clear passage behind the rocks from one end to the other.

Just like everything in this hobby! What might work for one, don't work for another!!! Have fun Jake!!!!
I'm a fan of 25 micron socks, I ran 2 on my 300 gallon, BUT I also changed them every morning (I had 75 or so socks, so it wasn't too bad). When I tore it down last year after 18 months, the tank was really "clean" so to speak, but like Ted, I had a lot of flow in the tank with clear passage behind the rocks from one end to the other.

Just like everything in this hobby! What might work for one, don't work for another!!! Have fun Jake!!!!

Thanks Mike :thumbsup:
Cheese and Crackers! I thought I was doing good at 40 socks on hand. I got no where to put 75 Socks :)

Assuming you mean MarinePure blocks and not chemipure: yes I run two blocks in both of my tanks.

Regarding the recent "press" these blocks have received when it comes to releasing aluminum and/or harming Leathers/Softies - There's really only one guy unhappy with the blocks and I consider everything to be circumstantial.

ICP only tests and reports down to the individual elements - nothing can be inferred that these blocks release aluminum oxide (the thing RHF seems to think harmed his leathers) from these tests. Aluminum is present in alot of materials that can contaminate our tanks / testing (and no one seems to want to listen whenever someone brings this up) - Clays/ Dusts, the frozen food we feed are kept in Aluminum Foil blister packs, screening made out of aluminum rails, the list can go on and on.

If these blocks are actually harming leathers / softies - My guess is it's not a specific chemical rather it's the size of any particulate matter that cannot be consumed or dissolved in water this is actually causing the issues. Well rinsed and well matured blocks that aren't disturbed shouldn't cause these issues.

I dont have leathers or softies - so I could just be speaking out my butt too.
Cheese and Crackers! I thought I was doing good at 40 socks on hand. I got no where to put 75 Socks :)

Assuming you mean MarinePure blocks and not chemipure: yes I run two blocks in both of my tanks.

Regarding the recent "press" these blocks have received when it comes to releasing aluminum and/or harming Leathers/Softies - There's really only one guy unhappy with the blocks and I consider everything to be circumstantial.

ICP only tests and reports down to the individual elements - nothing can be inferred that these blocks release aluminum oxide (the thing RHF seems to think harmed his leathers) from these tests. Aluminum is present in alot of materials that can contaminate our tanks / testing (and no one seems to want to listen whenever someone brings this up) - Clays/ Dusts, the frozen food we feed are kept in Aluminum Foil blister packs, screening made out of aluminum rails, the list can go on and on.

If these blocks are actually harming leathers / softies - My guess is it's not a specific chemical rather it's the size of any particulate matter that cannot be consumed or dissolved in water this is actually causing the issues. Well rinsed and well matured blocks that aren't disturbed shouldn't cause these issues.

I dont have leathers or softies - so I could just be speaking out my butt too.
Thank you Ted yes those are the ones im refering to I have two of them and I was thinking maybe it's a good idea to use them do to the minimal amount of rock and especially no sand I need more surface for beneficial bacteria to thrive.
Jake. I have a bunch u can have if you want

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Thanks Mike but I already have about 20 or so and I'm going sockless I'll hold onto them for when I need to filter out the water in case of an emergency.
Jake, let me know how it goes. I have been thinking of only using socks to polish

I will but it will be awhile I won't have a tank running for a few months we just bought a house that needs a lot of work and I just closed on my old house this morning in fact I was painting the exterior today on the new house and I will be all weekend it needs a lot of tlc. Im trying to get everything on the house done before the wedding/ tank/ and trying for a kid planning in the next few months. It's been a crazy busy year. I will always have a tank so I'm not going anywhere I have had fish for more then half my life it's a great hobby and I have met a lot of great people including you. I will keep you posted.