Finally adding a Fuge, Input Wanted

Well I finally have the time and have deciced to add a fuge to the tank. I will be using a 30g rubbermaid tote for now as I will be moving in a few months and have to wait till I move the tank off the stand to put anything bigger in place. The tank is a 140 with roughly a 25 gal sump.

I am planning on removing one of my corner overflow lines from the sump and plumbing it to the fuge, halfway down the height of the tote will be the entrance to try to reduce splashing from incoming water. From there it will fill up to approx 4" above the incoming line on the opposite side of the tote to overflow into the sump. This should give it a nice slow flow. I am planning on using sand at a depth of around 5-7". I also have some spaghetti macro coming wed from a fellow reefer.

My questions are:

1. Does this sound like a decent plan?

2. Will NO flourescent be enough to sustain it and if so, should they be left on 24/7 or on a reverse timer?

3. Other than the spaghetti, what else should I opt for that will be generally easy to maintan? I have heard that Halmedia will suck up Calcium and Razor has the tendancy to go sexual a good bit. Is this true??

4. Southdown is almost unheard of down here. Can I use the Home Depot play sand for the fuge. I know I will prob get flamed for it but, The tank has a CC bed in it, I will change it eventually but for the last 6 yrs it has worked w/no noticeable problems, the question is,... Do I need to seed the sand in the fuge with a lil bit of the CC or will it be fine just putting the sand and macros in it or should I get some of the bagged Live Sand Activator from the LFS for it.. I don't want to create any problems to an up and running tank that is doing good.

5. How long till the fuge will be functioning effectively? Immediately, 1, 2 weeks, a month??

Any input on this would be greatly appreciated as I will have it plumbed to the tank by wed morn and would like to get it up and running.

Thanx in advance,
I would "T" off of one of the overflows. If you take one off, your return pump will not have enough and starve.

2. I use a HD yard lite - 65watts - 6500+ on a reverse photo period RPP lights on 12 fuge on 12

3. I have raxor culpera and the feather culpera ans so far has not gone asexually. Just got some halimeda and not sure if I'll keep it, just for that reason it's a calcim sponge.

5. If you can get some arrgonite sand the sugar size would be better, IMO, if you seed it from the main tank and get some sand from some fellow reefers (cup) this will seed it faster.

good luck
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I thought about that but come to the conclusion that the flow coming from the left side overflow would be the same going through the fuge as it would going directly into the sump. Just instead of going to the sump, it would hit the fuge first and go from the fuge back into the sump via 2- 1 1/4" overflows.

Any help with the other Q's?
