Finally got some nice shots of my Tank (FTS, and others LOTS OF PICS)


In Memoriam
Sup guys, you all know I'm always lurking around. Any ways I finally got my boy to take some nice shots of my tank with his Dig SLR a couple of days ago. He took a tons of pics and I'll be loading up a whole bunch of them. Any ways here they are:

Part Three







And a quick shot of my frag system, **** PLEASE MODS THIS IS A FAR AWAY SHOT, NO CLOSE UPS, please do not delete****
Very, very nice...
Hey we need a closer look at whats in the frag tank.
Opps, now I read the line above the pic. I guess I will see it in person.
I still love that 65g...such a clean set-up and neat aquascape.
is that an A/C unit above the frag tank? If it is could you give me more info on it. my tank's in my bedroom and my room is usually like 78-80 degrees and I like it COLD!!! tank looks gorgeous!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11361123#post11361123 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prideprops
Nice frag setup. But, why can't you post a picture of a closer shot???

Wow, I don't want to start another discussion on this again. No close ups cause I don't want to be banned.

Mel, thanks dude and you know your always welcome over bro.

Magic, the A/C is a 1 ton mini-split which I think would be WAY too much for your room, unless your room is HUGE. Maybe a window unit would work better for you.

Thanks Mike

Man I posted like two more threads with a TON of pics but I don't see them Maybe I should of changed the Title of each thread as they were all the the same. Don't know but I'll post them again.
Yea it's a really sweet frag setup. I stopped by briefly to drop off some frags (how are the frags doing) and to pick up the 2.5g nano setup.

It's in the garage. Really interesting setup, I can't wait to see how it grows out :)