Finally got the Pod up and running!


In Memoriam
we started this project back in May, had a few delays for many reasons but finally got the Pod running Monday and everything moved in last night. We used spare LR and corals we had in the sump and frag tank and this tank is connected to our other tanks so its pretty much fill it and go.

We used a 24g aquapod and i took the back compartment out, had 2- 1" holes drilled into it.


made the stand a "built in" type like all our other tanks




still need to paint the stand and make a door but its good enough for now

i used the glass top that cam with the pod to make the over flows, just cut it to the size i wanted and silicone it in. the over flow pipes are PVC painted black



and one of those SCWD things for flow


now our clown fish have there own home


thanks Rob, im just happy to get that anemone and the clowns in there own tank so i can get my clam tank back together
Whoa! Nice little set up there. I don't know how I missed this thread earlier.

How do you like the SCWD? That is one thing I haven't really used in the past.
thanks, it seems to be working fine. i have no way of knowing how much water is flowing through it. i dont need a ton, its only 24g tank. i definitely like not having to put power heads in the tank
Yeah, that has to be sweet not having a heat, power head, or any equipment floating in the tank. Just a couple pipes. Is there a reason you didn't paint the pipe's inside the tank black? I seem to be doing the oppisit.(that is painting the pipes inside and not the ones outside.)
i wasn't sure if the plastic paint i had would have any detrimental effects on the water. plus they will be covered in coralline algae in no time im sure. i painted the out side just so it wouldn't stand out so much.
Countless people have used Krylon Fusion with much success, but you have a good point. It will be covered in coralline and rather be safe then sorry. Just wish we could say heck with it all and purchase zero edge aquariums. :-D Those things are awesome. Anyone have a couple of thousand extra dollars I can waste?
Chris is that a tank you got off of GEBC or a newbie? I can't remember who got his nano.
Fantastic job on both the tank and stand.
got it new from F&S, the tank, light and shipping was way cheeper then what a local tank builder wanted just for a glass box about the same size