Finally started my 180 build

man that stand looks amazing,i really like the granite beer lip :)
i wanted to do something similar on my stand but just couldnt pull the trigger.
Here is the latest. I am about 90% done now. I still have to drill and install the door knobs and install some misc equipment.


I got the front knobs installed. I should have the side ones on this weekend. I will be adding 3 more Tunze 6100's as well and hooking up the AquaSurf. Anyone have any problems extending the wires on the Neptune Lunar lights? Mine are not long enough to get around my reflectors.
Well we took advantage of the real estste slump here in Fla and bought a house. I had to break down the tank and figured while it was down I could make some changes. I bought a 180 sump setup from a Friend and put it in the garage. All of the livestock is in a 300 gallon stock tank in the dining room right now.
Here are some pics of what I got done today.
New plumbing under tank.



2 freshwater barrels on the left and saltwater in the right.
I got rid of the OM 4-way and got a custom 6-way. Hopefully I will get the outlets ran tomorrow.
I wish! Not a good time to make that change. The 300 gal lagoon almost got me moved to the doghouse!