Finally the iphone app

I cant find the marinemad app in the US store? Do u have the name to search for that one? Also I downloaded the ghl app and when I open it up I only get a white screen and nothing else comes up at all. Iphone 5 with 5.15 on both my controllers?

Don't think it is available anymore.:confused:
I am not having much luck with the app. I am running 5.15 and have used the host address that I use for the web server but I get the following result. Connecting, receiving files, device not responding. Any users have any thoughts?
There are already 25 unanswered post on that forum reporting the same thing. Since one person claims to have had success on here I thought this might be a faster route since the English support forum appears to be largely ignored by GHL.

Anyway this is no longer a priority as one of your vendors in Halidax got my system back on line and showed me a few other tricks.
well, i have to say, i have never ben a fan of having a computer control my tank but with an app for my iPhone, i am perhaps willing to explore the options..
this is very interesting and way COOL!
just to be able to access some of my parameters and know if i have a leak on my floor....
hm.. i may have to start saving up..
Here are some snap shot.

Main page




LED Sliders