Finally updates(pic heavy?)


Science and Honor!
first and foremost id just like to say damn has this been super slow and steady progress(making myself feel better) its taken forever to get rid of some horrible hair algae, the only lingering algae is like a hair algae but looks feathery...stupid algae but also i picked up some nice coral at RAP of last year damn near killed all of it but it all recovered great!

But most importantly i was blessed this march with a beautiful daughter who has been lots of work and not if not for the Mrs.O i would have gone a little crazy and tank would have been long gone.
Some of you have seen her shes always smiling like me:D
Sarah J. Obispo
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
She insisted i keep my tank thats supposed to be relaxing at times it adds more stress.

So here are some updates the tank has almost been up and running for 10 months i believe.

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I got tired of the lights being so close to the tank and didnt wanna dish out 30 dollas on a hanging kit for this, so i bought some ferrils and some metal wire at homesdepot and just made this pretty clean ghetto rig.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
After my daughter was born i had surgery on torn cartilage in my left shoulder towards the end of my mandated time off i got really bored around the house and felt pretty good so i decided to install a dj power strip.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

i quickly realized the humidity was horrible in my sump dangerously bad so i went to town on an acrylic sheet with my dremil. of course i had them precut 3 seperate peices to get straight lines.

so here are a few crappy photos i suck at taking tank pics but you gives will just have to live with it! hahah jk
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
i bought this at RAP and i was told it was an acan im like sweet cool colors. soon realized it aint growing like a acan it doesnt look like an acan, so maybe its not an acan? its actually a lot deeper purple but its finally coloring up really nice and my pics kill the true color.any idea what it may be?

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you got beautiful adorable daughter bro.
Your tank is more organized than mine Josh. you can manual take those algae out. Try some macro algae on your refugium to compete the food with it. I saw mine start having algae like those scrubber algae, and my bubble and hair algae slow down and die.
scaping looks good. Any way to stick the heater in the sump?

Thanks I was having issues with dead spots on the right side but I added a tunze 6045 and that fixed that pretty quick.

But I know I need a new heater...I bought this one used didn't expect it to not fit in the sump. But I'm gonna get a new one this one was larger then the width of the sump that's th only reason it's in the display.
you got beautiful adorable daughter bro.
Your tank is more organized than mine Josh. you can manual take those algae out. Try some macro algae on your refugium to compete the food with it. I saw mine start having algae like those scrubber algae, and my bubble and hair algae slow down and die.

Thanks! Shes a fun baby she's happy about 98 percent of the day hardly cries, but still a handful! Haha
I also did add some chaeto to my refugium and have GFo running atthe same time it's slowly killed off the hair algae the sump picks are a little old I came to love zip ties, and zip tie anchors I believe is what they are called best thing to use for organizing wires.

I was going to try and reaquascape just to open the tank up more an do a Pillar style structure but then I'm like ehhh il wait it out I like how it is now just hard to place coral anywhere need some of that epoxie stuff
Thanks I was having issues with dead spots on the right side but I added a tunze 6045 and that fixed that pretty quick.

But I know I need a new heater...I bought this one used didn't expect it to not fit in the sump. But I'm gonna get a new one this one was larger then the width of the sump that's th only reason it's in the display.
Josh, try to put the heater inside the overflow box.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
heres two better shots of the tnak idk why the others came out so dark well actually i do know i just got lazy...
but please forgive any dirty glass this is right after a water change and hadn't completely finished.

dang Daniel you dont know how hard i facepalmed...iv never thought and it never crossed my mind to place the heater in the overflow...:facepalm: