Finding Tank Raised Fish


Premium Member
I just checked out the sticky thread for tank raised fish and looking to finish off the stocking list for my tank. The tank will be a 75g of mostly soft coral.

I posted in the Newbie section and got some great help so now I'm here for suggestions on how to finish off my list and where to buy.

Current list
2 False Perc Clowns
2 Blue striped Neon Gobies
2 Gold Striped Neon Gobies

I'm doing a totally aquacultured tank and need suggestions on what would be a compatible fish for these others and is tank bred/raised. Also where to get.


Go with ORA if possible- just talk to your LFS about placing an order with them. They culture all of those fishes I believe (im guessing you may already have known that).

good on you for going for a strictly aquacultured tank! I recently found a thread on where someone mentioned that ORA also cultured Trochus snails (although I can't confirm that)- those would be a great janitor option, seeing as finding grazing aquacultured snails is not exactly easy... they have both the fighting/queen conch and I had great results with their peppermint shrimp.. If you have adequate lighting/chemistry- a clam would be a lovely addition (they have numerous options).

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Yea I was going to order those from, I think that they get their fish from ORA.

I'd love to find a fish that isn't overly aggressive that will be out more thinking the Bandai Cardinal from ORA. I've heard some people have bred Chromis but can't find a supplier for em.

