Finished moving....Now it's time for the tank set up! :)


Premium Member
Hello all... I would like to introduce myself...I moved here from Phoenix, AZ... The move is complete, now it's time for the important stuff...The reef tank! :)
This will be my 4th reef tank, and have learned from each of them.
I am looking forward to meeting any fellow reefers, and lots of trades! :)
Here are a few pics of my setup.....


light... (2x250 and PC's..)


getting ready for the live rock curing...(The wife is excited for the smell)...:)

well if you need help i am local, i am still a newbie but i can help anyways i can. looks good hope everything goes good.
Thanks...I noticed most people are from south of me. (Wellington), but there are also alot more LFS down that way, so I will be down that way most weekends. :)
Not only are there a lot more LFS farther south of you in Broward and Dade, but also the club meets near I-95 and 595 in Fort Lauderdale once a month.

The next meeting is this Tuesday night at 7:15pm in the cafeteria/auditorium of the New River Middle School.
Directions and map here:,0.015321&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1

A nice LFS that's a little closer to you than the rest is Eco-Reef off of Atlantic near the Intercoastal waterway in Pompano.
Nice guys and they carry a lot of ORA frags.

Also, we're having our bi-annual Frag Swap this March 9th.
Lots and lots of frags from everyone's tanks as well as from most of the LFS in the area.
You came at a good time.
This is definitely a "don't miss" event to get your reef started right.

Oh yeah, Welcome to South Florida. :wavehand:

...and don't worry about those white, fluffy things in the sky. We call them clouds, and they're mostly harmless.
Sorry, couldn't resist a little AZ jab. ;)
The closest store to you I think would be between Saltwater Endevours in Jupiter and Barrier Reef in Boca. It sucks being in Boca, especially wellington, because everything is so far, especially the great stores down in Broward.

If you want to check out a set-up and maybe do some swaps, check out some corals, etc, then when I'm home over break (march 9-15th) you're more than welcome to stop by my place in Boca, which is much closer than going all the way down to Broward. Visiting most people in the club is a haul for me, and I've already got a 20 minute head start from you. Oh well.
I actually don't mind taking a ride..especially if I am coming home with frags...:) I have checked out coral reef farm, reef's edge, jaws, and one otherone so far... As soon as I am ready to go, I will make another trip south.
Marine Scenes
805 N Federal Hwy
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
(561) 364-5527

i go in there every week there prices are ok but there stuff is top notch. just tell dan or jane, robert sent you.
oh yeah? I haven't heard of that one yet. I will definitely have to check that one out. Thanks for the tip.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11930545#post11930545 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bishoptaner
Marine Scenes
805 N Federal Hwy
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
(561) 364-5527

i go in there every week there prices are ok but there stuff is top notch. just tell dan or jane, robert sent you.

I miss them down here in Miami, walked into their store for the first time 22 years ago and wish they never left.
there are a couple decent stores round here in WPB. Tanks alot is US1 and 10th in lake worth. Then there is one just south of okeechobee on military. one on US1 just south of northlake. I think thats all close by in WPB. Good Luck.

Coral Sea is the name of the one just south of Okeechobee on Military trail. Their address is 1373 North Military Trail, WPB FL 33409 (In case you want to mapquest it).

Oceans Below is the one located on US1, south of Northlake. Their address is 110 US Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. They get their new stuff in on Thursdays, so that is definitely the best time to go.

Tanks Alot is also a good store, but it is easy to miss so pay attention when you are trying to find it.

Hope to see you on the PBMAS boards soon!

thanks for all of the info...I have hit most of the ones in WPB. Ihavent been to tanks alot though, so I will check that one out this weekend.
I am picking up my liverock from the airport on Wednesday, so, the fun begeins! :)
Oops! Didn't realize you'd already been to the local stores!

Whenever I go down south, I always hit Eco-Reef. They are a bit closer than the others, and I really like that store...Definitely worth the drive!